You’re new here. So am I. Che Che Chats technically translates to milk chats, but in Spanish, Che Che is a cutesy way my kids used to say milk when they were little. In fact, its common for young Hispanic kids to say milk; Che Che, Leche, Lechita… it’s nostalgic for me. The idea of Che Che Chats was born in a breastfeeding room my job provided me over 9 years ago. Weighing in at 2oz of pumped milk, I finally have some time to well, chat about it. I’ve dreamed about writing a blog, or writing books, and just having my own thing for so long, but there was always something that stopped me from doing it. With time and some added bravery I decided to start somewhere, and nothing inspires me more than my kids. Motherhood is a fantasy world, a novela, it’s action packed, it’s never the same, and it’s awesome. When you come here, you’ll get some mess. Real life beautiful mess. I’ll be here spilling the milk on my life, my career, sharing what I know, sharing what I don’t know and it will be all over the place. English, sometimes Spanish, if you have ADD, ADHD, or just like being around jumpy conversations, then you and I will be the very best of friends.

What’s really cool about today, is as I’m typing this my daughter is sitting right next to me asking to type her own “blog” once I’m done. She’s 9, and that alone tells me, she’s inspired, and that today was the right day to start.